
Reader purchase intent: how a niche magazine achieves higher readership than generalist competitors

The readership of a publication that specifically targets consumers with kitchen and bathroom projects has risen to 239,000, and is now beating some of the more generalist publications that target consumers who are focusing on less-specific furnishing, decoration, gardening or other projects.

The readership results for the magazine – Universal Media Co’s Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly (KBQ) – were announced as part of the latest IPSOS emma poll.  

KBQ’s readership is more than double that of home decoration magazines Real Living, which sits at 117,000; over 50 per cent more than Inside Out, which has a readership of 154,000; and, 144 per cent more readers than Belle, which has 165,000. 

“We are particularly pleased with this result, given that we have only just started a season of high enquiry for kitchen and bathroom services,” said Publisher Janice Williams.

“These other magazines are designed more for recreational reading than project research,” said Williams, “and by virtue of targeting larger audiences should be out-performing KBQ, but here we are with KBQ out-performing them.”

Communicating reader purchase intent 

Umco focuses on reader purchase intent within the KBQ media kit, as well as providing extensive examples of how to market products within KBQ, and data on the Australian renovation market. A casual-rate full page advertisement within the magazine is $3,932.

“The fact that KBQ is ahead signifies two things — that kitchens and bathrooms are a core focus of renovators, and that when time-poor consumers are ready, they are ready.

“When consumers enter the purchase funnel, the need for recreational reading diminishes and the need for real project research increases. That’s the service that we provide at KBQ.”

Janice Williams, Publisher, Universal Media Co

KBQ has been published for 26 years and is part of a group that includes numerous special editions such as Kitchen Yearbook, Bathroom Yearbook and Luxury Kitchens & Bathrooms. The publication sits alongside the Network which provides a digital project pre-purchase research service. 

Universal Media Co publishes 53 niche magazine brands including special interest and B2B titles, 14 of which are in the ‘home and outdoor’ niche. 

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