Targeted Media Service Providers
Recommended service providers and consultants that understand the unique needs of print and digital media brands with highly targeted audiences.

Lyndsie Clark
Targeted Media Services Network Founder Lyndsie Clark is a strong believer in the value highly targeted media brands can deliver their audience and clients.
Lyndsie has worked with B2B and special interest publishers across print and digital in start-up, growth and consolidation phases. She specialises in developing multi-channel content strategies that drive audience engagement and sales, and guidance on list development, analysis and segmentation.
You can find out more about Lyndsie’s services here:

John Blondin
John Blondin provides marketing and media advice, with a focus on helping media owners develop successful exit strategies and navigate the media mergers and acquisitions (M&A) market.
With a career that has spanned 40 years in Australia’s media industry, he knows a thing or two about understanding and building value in media titles.
He’s published award-winning B2B, B2C and custom magazines in the hospitality, liquor and sports industries, and was Chairman of Publishers Australia, the former industry body representing B2B, B2C, custom and digital publishers within Australia. Blondin remained on the Publishers Australia board for over 10 years, and in 2011, he was inducted into the Publishers Australia Hall of Fame.
Blondin has also been honoured with a Fellowship of the Australian Marketing Institute after receiving the institute’s Marketing Excellence in Media Strategy and Planning award.

Kilian Schalk
PurpleGray Principal Kilian Schalk is an expert in workflow design, helping editorial content creators adapt to a changing world.
He led the 2015 ‘Moonshot’ effort to transform America Magazine into America Media, and created the blueprint for a 2018 workflow overhaul of Vanity Fair. Formerly Managing Editor for Editorial Development at Condé Nast and Technical Director of Digital Projects at The New Yorker, he was the youngest Production Manager in Rolling Stone history.
“An energetic, passionate devotee of continuous improvement”, Kilian enables his clients to define and implement the culture change needed to compete in a mobile environment, launch new digital products, and find room in the day to create podcasts, expand into radio, and add video channels.
His training programs focus on client transformation. He has worked with magazines to overhaul editorial and marketing workflows, accelerate content delivery, redesign websites and print editions, build digital archives, increase editorial web team output, move from a subscription to a membership model, restructure contributor contracts, and boost online traffic.
Kilian emphasises secure employment, centres employee collaboration, and builds change into the process, leveraging workflow to help teams of all sizes grow audience and revenue even as they re-engineer how they produce multi-channel content.

Bruna Rodwell
Circulation Marketing Consultant
Bruna Rodwell is a circulation specialist for B2C magazines, with extensive experience in both subscription and retail marketing strategies to maximise copy sales.
Starting as the Direct Marketing Manager at ACP Magazines in the late 80s, Bruna worked across all titles – about 100 brands. She was then headhunted by Pacific Publications and Conde Nast, and then went onto FPC Magazines.
From 2005, Bruna has consulted to a range of smaller magazine publishers, creative agencies, and in Loyalty Marketing, with NRMA Motoring & Services and Woolworths Rewards.
Consequently, Bruna has worked in all market categories, always focussing on ensuring that Circulation Strategy is integrated with Consumer Advertising, Editorial and Advertising Sales, to get the maximum impact for specific brands. Bruna is results-driven and budget-focussed to make the most of clients’ limited resources.
Bruna says: “I’m pragmatic! I aim to provide good value for money to clients. It’s about taking one step at a time with a long term vision in your sights.”
Current clients include Cosmos, PIP Magazine, Graziher, Australian Golf Digest, The Australasian Beekeeper and the soon to be launched, T Australia.