Every single sales call with an advertiser is valuable. So valuable that you do not want to waste time asking questions that will not help you close the deal. More
Every single sales call with an advertiser is valuable. So valuable that you do not want to waste time asking questions that will not help you close the deal. More
Clients looking to buy media advertising are increasingly making emotional-based decisions. Media sales expert Ryan Dohrn breaks down the trend and offers advice on how best to guide and lead these clients toward a purchase. More
No matter the size of the media company, one universal truth of sales failure is lack of formal accountability within the sales team. More
The key to your success in the world of media sales is increasing the number of meetings you are granted by prospective advertisers. Developing an effective prospecting process can be the difference between life and death in your media sales career. More
Summer is a tough time for sales professionals. Clients can be incredibly hard to get onto. Media sales expert Ryan Dohrn gives 9 tips to maximise your summer sales outreach in 2020. More
Media ad sales trainer Ryan Dohrn dishes his top 10 tips to close sales in the post-COVID-19 era, and outlines what salespeople should really do when a client says no. More
As we navigate the changes in our world right now, I think it’s important to focus on the Customer Needs Assessment and breathe new life into it. More
Everyone in media sales knows this – it’s incredibly tough to get meetings with potential advertisers today. Is there some magic formula to reel them in? More
Instant Gratification Syndrome, or IGS, is a debilitating disease characterised by emotional servitude to the ‘now’. In my ad sales training workshops, IGS and ROI seem to be universal terms for ‘results’. But, what does the term ‘results’ really mean? More
CRM tools are integral to an effective sales team, but sales members can be notorious for not using the systems properly. Media sales expert Ryan Dohrn provides 10 reasons for your sales team to fall in love with your CRM tool. More
To stay abreast of the latest in ad sales training, I often listen in on fellow sales coaches to learn and observe. What seems so odd to me is the lack of common sense in what is being taught today. More
I’m occasionally asked to accompany an account executive for coaching purposes as they make a sales call. The majority of the time, the account rep will talk about their media product for the first 20 minutes of the ad sales meeting. More
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